ChatGPT vs Human Blog Posts
by IoFAdmin at
review | python | programming

Human Or Computer?
We're going to have some fun this post: I'm going to be a criminal and you're going to be an investigator. What's the crime? Great question random Internet Stranger! I've had ChatGTP (everyone's favorite AI content generator) create 2 content snippets and I wrote one myself. I'm breaking the law (of content creation?) as passing all three off as my own creation. Can you identify mine?
Your Task
Read all three snippets about Python best practices and see if you can determine which one was created by a human and which two are crafted by Skynet.
Article #1
Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used in a variety of applications. As with any programming language, there are certain best practices that can help you write more efficient and maintainable code. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the most important best practices for writing Python code.
Use meaningful variable and function names: One of the most important best practices in any programming language is to use meaningful variable and function names. When your code is easy to read and understand, it is much easier to maintain and debug.
Use comments: Comments are a great way to document your code and make it more readable. Use comments to explain what your code is doing, and to provide any information that might be useful to someone else reading your code.
Use the right data types: Python has a number of built-in data types, including integers, floats, and strings. It's important to use the right data type for the task at hand. For example, using a float to represent an integer can lead to unexpected results.
Avoid using global variables: Global variables can make your code difficult to understand and maintain. Instead, use local variables and pass them between functions as needed.
Use list comprehensions: List comprehensions are a powerful feature in Python that allow you to create lists in a concise and readable way. They are often faster than using a for loop, and can make your code more readable.
Avoid using unnecessary imports: Importing unnecessary modules can slow down your code and make it harder to understand. Only import the modules that you actually need.
Use the 'with' statement: The 'with' statement is a useful tool for working with resources that need to be cleaned up after they are used. It is especially useful for working with files, as it ensures that the file is closed correctly, even if an error occurs.
Use exception handling: Exception handling is an important part of any programming language. It allows you to handle errors and unexpected conditions gracefully, and can help to make your code more robust.
By following these best practices, you can write more efficient and maintainable Python code that is easy to understand and debug. Remember that it's always a good idea to keep learning and experimenting with new features and techniques to improve your Python skills.
Content #2
Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language known for its ease of use. By following best practices, your Python code will be easy to change and have minimal errors. In this blog post, we'll cover some best practices to keep in mind when writing your next Python project.
Be sure to use the correct data types for the data you want to represent. For example, numeric data should not be stored as a string because you won't be able to perform mathematical functions on it.
Using descriptive names for your variables, functions, and classes keeps your code easy to understand and is also self-documenting. While short names are nice to type, they are much harder to grasp when coming back to your code in the future.
List comprehensions are a powerful and simple tool to generate lists and they are often more performant than corresponding for loops. They make your code easier to read than loops and they allow conditionals as well.
Try to avoid global variables because they are hard to maintain and tightly couple your code. Instead of global variables, pass data to functions and return values as needed.
Only import packages that your code is actively using. This will speed up processing and keep your code clean, easy to follow and maintain. Most IDEs will mark unused imports in a different color so that you can quickly identify them.
Comment your code so that you and other programmers will understand what the code is doing. A simple explanation of parameters passed into a function and its return types will quickly give programmers an overview of functionality.
Following the guidelines laid out in PEP 8 will ensure that your code is consistent and easy to read. PEP 8 covers style guidelines such as indentation, tabs/spaces, naming conventions, and programming recommendations.
Test and debug your code to minimize logic and runtime errors. Pytest is a popular Python testing tool that allows you to test your code through a series of assertions that compare expected versus actual values.
By following the best practices we've discussed, you can write clean and testable code that is easy to understand and maintain. Keep learning and experimenting with Python's features so that you can improve your coding skills.
Content #3
Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and versatility. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, it's important to follow best practices when writing Python code. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the most important best practices to keep in mind when writing Python code.
Use PEP 8: PEP 8 is a set of guidelines for writing Python code. It's a good idea to follow these guidelines as they help to make your code more readable and consistent. This includes using lowercase letters, using spaces around operators and commas, and naming conventions for variables, functions and methods.
Keep it Simple: Simple code is easier to understand, maintain and extend. Avoid using complex solutions when a simple one will do. When in doubt, keep it simple.
Use meaningful variable and function names: Use descriptive and meaningful names for your variables and functions. This makes it easier for others to understand your code and for you to remember what the code does.
Use comments: Comments are a great way to document your code and make it more readable. Use comments to explain what your code is doing, and to provide any information that might be useful to someone else reading your code.
Use the right data types: Python has a number of built-in data types, including integers, floats, and strings. It's important to use the right data type for the task at hand. For example, using a float to represent an integer can lead to unexpected results.
Avoid using global variables: Global variables can make your code difficult to understand and maintain. Instead, use local variables and pass them between functions as needed.
Use list comprehensions: List comprehensions are a powerful feature in Python that allow you to create lists in a concise and readable way. They are often faster than using a for loop, and can make your code more readable.
Use the 'with' statement: The 'with' statement is a useful tool for working with resources that need to be cleaned up after they are used. It is especially useful for working with files, as it ensures that the file is closed correctly, even if an error occurs.
Use exception handling: Exception handling is an important part of any programming language. It allows you to handle errors and unexpected conditions gracefully, and can help to make your code more robust.
Keep testing and debugging: The key to writing clean and efficient code is testing and debugging. Make sure to test your code thoroughly and debug any issues that you encounter.
By following these best practices, you can write more efficient and maintainable Python code that is easy to understand and debug. Remember that it's always a good idea to keep learning and experimenting with new features and techniques to improve your Python skills.
What's Your Choice Sherlock?
In the next blog post I'll reveal which one is mine and which two are computer generated. See you next time!