Old Mother Hubbard P-Nuttier Natural Dog Treats Review
by IoFAdmin at
review | lifestyle

Dogs Can Be Healthy Too
As I've mentioned before, my family and I are trying to improve our health through growing nutritious veggies and using all natural soaps. Our dog, Lily, is part of our family so shouldn't she be healthy too?
Treats For The Canine Companion
There's lots of healthy options for dog treats but the one that caught my eye at the local pet store was Old Mother Hubbard's P-Nuttier Oven-Baked Dog Biscuits. Like most puppers, my dog would push me off a cliff if she got a spoonful of peanut butter afterward. There's no way I could lose with peanut butter.
Gratuitous Cute Dog Photo
This is Lily the star of the show. Of course she's snuggled against me because that's her favorite spot.

So Is It Peanut Buttery?
Old Mother Hubbard's P-Nuttier biscuits are made with peanut butter, apples, carrots, oats and other all natural ingredients that I can actually pronounce. It's supposed to be peanut buttery, right? It's literally in the name. They smell pretty good (to a human) but I can't detect the fragrance of peanut butter. I did pick up the smell of apples though.
Is It Yummy?
I know what your thinking... how does he know that it tastes good? Well I don't but my dog loves Old Mother Hubbard's dog treats. It may not smell like peanut butter but apparently they're delicious because she gets very excited when the bag comes out.
Lily, our spoiled dog, gives Old Mother Hubbard Baking Company's P-Nuttier Oven-Baked Dog Biscuits two paws up! Since Lily lacks opposable thumbs and a credit card, my opinion matters too. She loves them and I'm happy that the treats are made with natural products that are healthy for dogs. Lily and I both recommend the P-Nuttier dog biscuits!